Pearsall Family Shield



The Pearsall Family


Members History Genealogy






Pearsall Family DNA Surname Project


Number of Pearsalls By Location


Maps by Family Surname


The History of the Parshall Family from the Conquest of England by William of Normandy, A.D. 1066 to the Close of the 19th Century (1903)


The Parshall Family A.D. 870-1913 (1915)


History and Genealogy of the Pearsall Family in England and America (1928)


Volume I


Volume II


Volume III









The Pearsall Family DNA – Surname Project





Our family’s roots stretch back to Staffordshire County, England - 52.862° N 02.275° W (from ~1200 A.D. or ~30 generations to present-day).


Our English line begins with the arrival of Gilbert de Corbeil to Northumbria circa 1100 A.D.:


Gilbert de Corbeil 

Robert Fitz-gilbert de Corbeil

Robert de Peshale

John de Lumley de Peshale

William de Peshale

Walter de Peshale

Walter de Peshale

Adam de Peshale

Adam de Peshale

Sir Richard de Peshall (b.c. 1340, d.c. 1380)

Sir Thomas de Peshall (b.c. 1370, d.c. 1420)

Nicholas de Peshall (b.c. 1400, d.c. 1450)

Hugh de Peshall (b.c. 1430, d.c. 1490)

Sir Hugh de Peshall (b.c. 1450, d. 1488)

Humphrey Peshall (b.c. 1470, d. 1489)

John Pershall (b. 1485, d.c. 1520)

Richard Pershall (b.c. 1500, d.c. 1550)

Edmund Pershall (b.c. 1531, d. 1629)


Our ancestral line branches away from England ~1600 A.D. with migration to present-day America.


Question: Are there any living cousins in Staffordshire?


Help us find out! Genetic genealogy now offers us the opportunity to know if any one living in England shares similar Y-chromosome DNA markers. The possibility is intriguing.





Please participate! All are welcome to join. Science is now available to help “reconstruct” our family tree with your help. The three primary service providers are: DNA Heritage, Relative Genetics, and Family Tree DNA. The Pearsall Family project is registered with each of the three providers linked in the table below. In order to join the project, the process includes:

1.       Register with one of the three service providers below and contact the project administrator (myself)

2.       Order a test and request a sample kit (typically with two cheek swabs)

3.       Using a cheek swab, gently rub the inside of your cheeks for ~60 seconds (painless)

4.       Place the cheek swab in a sealed envelope or container

5.       After ~4 hours, repeat steps 3 and 4 with the second cheek swab

6.       Return both samples to the testing service

7.       Testing usually takes about 6 weeks

8.       You will be notified of the results on-line

9.       Your results can then be compared with others to calculate genetic distance (e.g. when two individuals likely shared a common ancestor)

10.    Values from the test results can be used to search public databases (listed below) for other closely-related individuals.




Testing service


DNA Heritage



Relative Genetics




Family Tree DNA




Pearsall Family DNA surname project links








Recommended test is 43-markers (minimum 37-markers)



Y-DNA 43

Y-DNA 43

Y-DNA 37 or
Y-DNA 67*






$189 or


*67-marker test recommended
over 37-marker test;
more information
provided on
DNA testing details

DNA storage provided





Service rating





Public database






 America -à


 Canada -à


 South Africa -à


 Australia -à


 New Zealand -à




Excursion Inlet, Alaska