The horizon with blue skies and white clouds over the earth below

Pearsall Family Shield



The Pearsall Family


Members History Genealogy






Pearsall Surname Project


Number of Pearsalls By Location


Maps by Family Surname


History and Genealogy of the Pearsall Family in England and America:


Volume I


Front Cover

Inside Front Cover

The Motive





Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Appendix I


Volume II


Volume III










It would be impossible either to adequately acknowledge or to sufficiently express our appreciation for the help and assistance that has been given the writer by the Libraries of England and America in the work of compiling the material from which has been made the history of the Pearsall Family as herein presented.

It is not generally understood that in genealogy and family history negative are as important as positive statements; one may therefore work for days and examine hundreds of authorities, getting all the time excellent results, which however will not appear in the list of citations. Then again every library speĀ­cializes in those matters which are of local interest, so that no matter how much may have been published and in general circulation upon any given historical event or character, nevertheless, the library of the locality will have something exclusive upon the same subject. It may be a manuscript or clippings from the paper of local circulation, or a county history, or some book of reminiscences. It can readily be seen that one cannot say that they have fully mastered a subject until they have carefully examined the local specialties relating to the matter. This is more than true, it is insistent, with reference to family history, even though all this search may result in nothing being added to what is already known. It would not therefore be possible to list all the books and manuscripts that have been examined to make this history-genealogy; and while careful citations of authorities have been made to support the text, yet frequently, yes, generally, very many other books and manuscripts were also consulted, and after this study the text, as stated herein, was made to conform to the weight of all the authorities. It can therefore be understood that one can, within the limits allowed for this purpose, only speak in terms of the libraries where this work was done.

For the use of their manuscripts and books, as well as for the personal assistĀ­ance of the librarians and their assistants, our thanks and acknowledgements are due to:


The British Museum, Landon, England.

The Public Library, New York City, New York.

The Congressional Library, Washington, D. C.

The Library of the Genealogical Society, New York City.

The Manuscripts of the Holland Society, New York City.

The State Library of New York, Albany, New York.

The Memorial Library, Winchester, Virginia.

The Public Library, Detroit, Michigan.

The MS. Records of State Librarian, Lansing, Michigan.

The Library of the Historical Society, New York City.

The Library of New England Historic-Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts.

The State Library of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Penna.

Private MS. Collection of Mrs. Josephine K. Frost, Brooklyn, New York.

The Library of the Historical Society of New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey.

The Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois.

The State Library of Rhode Island, Providence, We Island.

The Public Library, Bristol, England.

The Library of the Historical Society of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland.

The Library of the State of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

The State Library of North Caroline, Raleigh, North Carolina.

The Library of the Historical Society of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

The State Library of Connecticut, Hartford, Connecticut.

The Library of the Historical Society of Connecticut, New Haven, Connecticut.

The Pequot Library at West Port, Connecticut.

The State Library of California. Sacramento, California.

The Library of the Historical Society of Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware.

The Public Library of San Francisco, San Francisco, California.

The Field Memorial Library, Conway, Massachusetts.

The Memorial Library. Poughkeepsie, New York.

The Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Library of Historical Society of Chester Co., Pa, Westchester, Pennsylvania.

The Library of Historical Society of Lancaster Co., Pa. Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Library of Historical Society of Washington Co., Pa. Washington, Pennsylvania.

The Humboldt County Library, Eureka, California.

The Public Library of Eureka, Eureka, California,

The Memorial Library, Owasco, New York.

The Library of the Genealogical Society of California, San Francisco, California

The Library of the Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn, New York.

The Library of the Iowa State Historical Society, Des Moines, Iowa.

Friends Records in possession of Joint Committee on

Records of The Religious Society of Friends of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, Canada and Michigan.

The Library of the Historical Society of Massachusetts, at Boston.

The Library of Harvard College, especially the Sparks Mss.

The Mss. in the State House and Court House, Boston, Massachusetts.

The Library of the Historical Society of Maine, Portland, Maine.

The Library of the Salem Historical Society, Salem, Massachusetts.

The Public Library, Kansas City, Missouri.

The Library of Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Public Library at Wilmington, North Carolina.

The Public Library, Jamaica, Long Island, New York.

The Library of the Historical Society, Huntington, Long Island, New York.

Friends Records, in care of Samuel J. Seaman, Glen Cove, Long Island, New York.

The Library of the Province of Ontario, Toronto, Canada.

The Public Library at Picton, Canada,

The Public Library at Norwich, Connecticut.

The Public Library and that of the Historical Society at New London, Connecticut.

The MS. collections of the Land Commissioner of Mary-land at Annapolis, Maryland.

The Mss. in the Secretary of State's office, Trenton, New Jersey.

The Mss. in the office of the State Historian of West Virginia at Charleston, West Virginia.

The Public Library at Lynn, Massachusetts.

The Mss. of Robert Pearsall, Teddington, Middlesex, England.

The Public Library, Los Angeles, California

And all the churches and public otbces in England and America where original searches were made and which yielded valuable information which the reader will find suitably acknowledged and identified in the text.



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